The researchers recently found an interesting fact, adult males that are not often to have sex, it is exposed to higher risk of Erectile Dysfunction alias "loyo".
They said, adult men who have sex at least once a week, the risk disfungsi ereksinya down 50% of those less frequently associated. More interesting again, the man who three times a week deal, the risks come down drastically to only 25% of them only once a week.
According to Juha Koskimaki from the University of Tampere, Finland, regular sexual activity benefits like sports training routine. This ability to maintain and control the functions of our bodies.
Gondongan = barren?
Gondongan or mumps is a disease that is often suffered by children of both men and women. This disease often arise during the development of the child. Is it true that this disease can cause barren? How true it is attacked? What treatment and prevention of the right?
Gondongan or parotitis or mumps is epidemika acute and infectious disease is marked with salivary gland enlargement especially scrofulous parotis. Parotis gland is located in front of the ear so the face swell when children appear tembem with benjolan from the ear down to the middle of the cheek.
This disease is spread through droplets / spray saliva, vomit, and may urin. Is required for direct contact between the close of the people who are still healthy to transmit the virus, such as school children in prison or on the boat and adults. This disease can attack anyone, but especially the children aged 5-14 years. This disease is spread throughout the world and can attack in all seasons.
Gondongan major cause is a virus from the paramyxovirus. After the virus into the body, the virus akan epitel the respiratory tract to reproduce itself and then the virus spread to the entire body through the lymph channels to the salivary gland and other organs including the central nervous system (brain and nerve Spinal), pancreas, ovary (ovarium), and the cock (testis). The time required for the virus to reproduce itself cause symptoms of around 14 - 24 days.
At the beginning of the disease, symptoms that arise initially called prodormal the symptoms rarely occur in children. Prodormal symptoms lasted 1-2 days and marked with:
1. fever between 38.50 C - 39.50 C
2. muscle pain in the form of stiff-stiff neck, especially in the area
3. headache
4. feeling lazy
Then arise in the gland swelling parotis was originally only on one side ago to develop the other. Swelling felt pain on both spontaneous and palpability, especially if people drink or eat the food that the acid will be painful. Gland swelling parotis this is very typical from the bottom of the jawbone and then to the back of the ear to the cheek ago. Initially, swelling can only be touched, but in a few hours will increase to a maximum can be seen in kasat eyes.
Skin in the area around parotis appear brownish red, painful on pressure, sometimes with difficulty open mouth (trismus) and difficult to swallow (disfagi). People with a fever, but can usually only mild.
Swelling lasts for 3 days and then gradually disappear.
In the children's symptoms gondongan not separah and during the new gondongan arise in adolescent or adult. Although the overall relief of symptoms usually are not light. When you or your child this disease then you will be immune for life against this disease, in other words once then you are not infected may be infected again.
Gondongan complications usually occur in the body's organs rather than the other salivary gland itself. One of the complications of ditakutkan by gondongan is barren / sterile. Barren can only happen if you or your child is exposed after a clever back gondongan (pubertas) and especially on the boys (there is no medical evidence that the barren gondongan on women). Symptoms usually occur in the first week of infection is marked with:
1. high fever, sometimes accompanied by shivering
2. pain in the penis and press the right or left
3. fruit cock swollen and soft leather with visible redness
4. headache
5. pain in the lower part of the stomach
Swelling on the penis is usually held in 4 days and then disappear. Rarely occurs due to total sterility gondongan, but that often happens is a change where fertility is lower than normal.
Other complications that may arise:
1. meningo-encephalitis is inflammation in the brain membrane and the brain network
2. nephritis is inflammation in the kidney channel
3. thyroiditis is inflammation in the gland tiroid
4. myocarditis is inflammation of heart muscle
5. suffer from deafness, but rarely occur at this time
6. pankreatitis yaiutu inflammation in the pancreas
7. oophoritis is inflammation in the ovary
8. arthritis which is inflammation of bone joints.
Because gondongan caused by a virus then this disease, including diseases that can heal themselves (self-limiting disease), therefore does not need the antibiotics unless there is secondary infection by bacteria. This can be done to alleviate the complaint are:
1. total rest in bed during the summer and is still swollen gland
2. hot compress
3. analgesic / pain remover
4. food must be liquid or soft
5. kortikosteroid during the 2-4 days
There is no evidence that treatment can prevent the above complications, but the rest with the total body resistance will be increased to fight the virus so that serious complications can be avoided. When complications arise it will be treated according to symptoms that appear. On the complications in the penis, you should be resting and total support for the local fruit such as cock cold compress on the penis etc..
Prevention of major and most is good to mumps vaccination in childhood (immunization). Vaccination usually is done at the age of 15 months and is usually given along with measles vaccine (morbili) and German measles (rubella), usually referred to as MMR. This vaccination does not cause fever or other reactions and does not transmit the virus to other children, so safe for your children. Immunity caused survive longer and can be given also in the adolescent or adult who has berkontak patients with gondongan but had never suffered from disease.
List of libraries:
College Health Science Books Children 2.1985
Medical Microbiology updated 3th edition.2004
Nelson's. Pediatrics.1979 textbook of
They said, adult men who have sex at least once a week, the risk disfungsi ereksinya down 50% of those less frequently associated. More interesting again, the man who three times a week deal, the risks come down drastically to only 25% of them only once a week.
According to Juha Koskimaki from the University of Tampere, Finland, regular sexual activity benefits like sports training routine. This ability to maintain and control the functions of our bodies.
Gondongan = barren?
Gondongan or mumps is a disease that is often suffered by children of both men and women. This disease often arise during the development of the child. Is it true that this disease can cause barren? How true it is attacked? What treatment and prevention of the right?
Gondongan or parotitis or mumps is epidemika acute and infectious disease is marked with salivary gland enlargement especially scrofulous parotis. Parotis gland is located in front of the ear so the face swell when children appear tembem with benjolan from the ear down to the middle of the cheek.
This disease is spread through droplets / spray saliva, vomit, and may urin. Is required for direct contact between the close of the people who are still healthy to transmit the virus, such as school children in prison or on the boat and adults. This disease can attack anyone, but especially the children aged 5-14 years. This disease is spread throughout the world and can attack in all seasons.
Gondongan major cause is a virus from the paramyxovirus. After the virus into the body, the virus akan epitel the respiratory tract to reproduce itself and then the virus spread to the entire body through the lymph channels to the salivary gland and other organs including the central nervous system (brain and nerve Spinal), pancreas, ovary (ovarium), and the cock (testis). The time required for the virus to reproduce itself cause symptoms of around 14 - 24 days.
At the beginning of the disease, symptoms that arise initially called prodormal the symptoms rarely occur in children. Prodormal symptoms lasted 1-2 days and marked with:
1. fever between 38.50 C - 39.50 C
2. muscle pain in the form of stiff-stiff neck, especially in the area
3. headache
4. feeling lazy
Then arise in the gland swelling parotis was originally only on one side ago to develop the other. Swelling felt pain on both spontaneous and palpability, especially if people drink or eat the food that the acid will be painful. Gland swelling parotis this is very typical from the bottom of the jawbone and then to the back of the ear to the cheek ago. Initially, swelling can only be touched, but in a few hours will increase to a maximum can be seen in kasat eyes.
Skin in the area around parotis appear brownish red, painful on pressure, sometimes with difficulty open mouth (trismus) and difficult to swallow (disfagi). People with a fever, but can usually only mild.
Swelling lasts for 3 days and then gradually disappear.
In the children's symptoms gondongan not separah and during the new gondongan arise in adolescent or adult. Although the overall relief of symptoms usually are not light. When you or your child this disease then you will be immune for life against this disease, in other words once then you are not infected may be infected again.
Gondongan complications usually occur in the body's organs rather than the other salivary gland itself. One of the complications of ditakutkan by gondongan is barren / sterile. Barren can only happen if you or your child is exposed after a clever back gondongan (pubertas) and especially on the boys (there is no medical evidence that the barren gondongan on women). Symptoms usually occur in the first week of infection is marked with:
1. high fever, sometimes accompanied by shivering
2. pain in the penis and press the right or left
3. fruit cock swollen and soft leather with visible redness
4. headache
5. pain in the lower part of the stomach
Swelling on the penis is usually held in 4 days and then disappear. Rarely occurs due to total sterility gondongan, but that often happens is a change where fertility is lower than normal.
Other complications that may arise:
1. meningo-encephalitis is inflammation in the brain membrane and the brain network
2. nephritis is inflammation in the kidney channel
3. thyroiditis is inflammation in the gland tiroid
4. myocarditis is inflammation of heart muscle
5. suffer from deafness, but rarely occur at this time
6. pankreatitis yaiutu inflammation in the pancreas
7. oophoritis is inflammation in the ovary
8. arthritis which is inflammation of bone joints.
Because gondongan caused by a virus then this disease, including diseases that can heal themselves (self-limiting disease), therefore does not need the antibiotics unless there is secondary infection by bacteria. This can be done to alleviate the complaint are:
1. total rest in bed during the summer and is still swollen gland
2. hot compress
3. analgesic / pain remover
4. food must be liquid or soft
5. kortikosteroid during the 2-4 days
There is no evidence that treatment can prevent the above complications, but the rest with the total body resistance will be increased to fight the virus so that serious complications can be avoided. When complications arise it will be treated according to symptoms that appear. On the complications in the penis, you should be resting and total support for the local fruit such as cock cold compress on the penis etc..
Prevention of major and most is good to mumps vaccination in childhood (immunization). Vaccination usually is done at the age of 15 months and is usually given along with measles vaccine (morbili) and German measles (rubella), usually referred to as MMR. This vaccination does not cause fever or other reactions and does not transmit the virus to other children, so safe for your children. Immunity caused survive longer and can be given also in the adolescent or adult who has berkontak patients with gondongan but had never suffered from disease.
List of libraries:
College Health Science Books Children 2.1985
Medical Microbiology updated 3th edition.2004
Nelson's. Pediatrics.1979 textbook of
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